Franchising Opportunities

Are you over 21 and game for your own brand of fun with the Little Lab Coats mice?

 If you are energeticfond of acquiring knowledge and sharing it with young minds, and enthusiastic about starting Little Lab Coats classes in your town or area, you can apply by filling in and submitting the form below. This will need to be accompanied by a copy of your ID.    

Molly and Marius will show you the ropes. They will train you in the teaching of our science classes as well as the admin side of a business.  

A Little Lab Coats franchise is ideal for working mothers who would like to spend more time with their children, or for those who would simply like to be part of the immeasurable privilege of broadening the horizons of young children, and of making a positive difference in their lives.    


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  • NameRelationshipCellular numberEmail Address 
  • SubjectSymbol 
  • InstitutionYear completedQualification 
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